My little cloud in the virtual world of virtualisation – mainly VMWare and EMC SAN (CX, NS and VNX)
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Tag: vCenter

Setting time on ESXi hosts through PowerCLI | Geaux Virtual

4 November, 2013

Excellent powershell to set the correct time on a number of hosts…

I expanded the code to:

Get-Cluster -Name “Cluster” | Get-VMHost | Where-Object {

$t = Get-Date
$dst = $_ | %{ Get-View $_.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.DateTimeSystem }
$dst.UpdateDateTime((Get-Date($t.ToUniversalTime()) -format u))

via Setting time on ESXi hosts through PowerCLI | Geaux Virtual.

vSphere ESXi Maintenance Mode with PowerCLI | Virtual Drive

4 November, 2013

Good code snippets for vmware host maintenance mode.


vSphere ESXi Maintenance Mode with PowerCLI | Virtual Drive.

PowerCLI: Remove all vmnics from a vSwitch — DAMIAN KARLSON

4 November, 2013

Hand tip on how to remove pNics from a vSwitch



$nic = @

via PowerCLI: Remove all vmnics from a vSwitch — DAMIAN KARLSON.

URL: Virtual Consultant for you Datacenter: Unlocking and resetting vCenter SSO admin account

13 August, 2013

Handy step by step guide – was looking in case I needed it.  Luckily account auto unlocks after 15 mins. 🙂

Virtual Consultant for you Datacenter: Unlocking and resetting vCenter SSO admin account.

VMware KB: Network port diagram for vSphere 5.x

10 July, 2013

For a excellent guide to IP ports used.


VMware KB: Network port diagram for vSphere 5.x.

VMware KB: Correlating vCenter Server and ESXi/ESX host build numbers to update levels

25 June, 2013

A great knowledge base article outlining vmware products and there build number to version numbers.

VMware KB: Correlating vCenter Server and ESXi/ESX host build numbers to update levels.

VMware KB: Unmounting a LUN or Detaching a Datastore/Storage Device from multiple ESXi 5.x hosts

29 May, 2013

VMware KB: Unmounting a LUN or Detaching a Datastore/Storage Device from multiple ESXi 5.x hosts.

Introducing the vCenter Certificate Automation Tool 1.0 | VMware Support Insider – VMware Blogs

5 April, 2013

New Tool to automate the installation of custom certificates – another one for me to test on Monday! 🙂

This will be very handy with my previous post.

Introducing the vCenter Certificate Automation Tool 1.0 | VMware Support Insider – VMware Blogs.

Powershell – Generate Microsoft CA signed SSL certificates with vSphere 5.1 « DefinIT

5 April, 2013

Excellent blog/guide on to automate the certificates needed for vSphere 5.1

Note not tried myself yet – that Mondays Job!  Will update post on my findings…..

Powershell – Generate Microsoft CA signed SSL certificates with vSphere 5.1 « DefinIT.

Update (12/03/2013): Now used this script. Works very well. Unfortunately the vmware tool to automate the installation of the certificates only works with the windows version of vcenter not the appliance.

Deploying the vCenter Server appliance Back to Basics

13 November, 2012

Back to Basics: Deploying the vCenter Server appliance

A excellent guide over on on installing and setting up  the VMWare vCenter appliance – especially in a LAB environment.

Deploying the vCenter Server appliance Back to Basics.