My little cloud in the virtual world of virtualisation – mainly VMWare and EMC SAN (CX, NS and VNX)
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Auto-Harden ESXi 5.x Hosts – softwareab

20 March, 2014

A good guide to hardening the security on ESXi 5.x hosts – although the standards defined are from the USA – there are a good best practices that anyone can use.

Auto-Harden ESXi 5.x Hosts – softwareab.

Setting time on ESXi hosts through PowerCLI | Geaux Virtual

4 November, 2013

Excellent powershell to set the correct time on a number of hosts…

I expanded the code to:

Get-Cluster -Name “Cluster” | Get-VMHost | Where-Object {

$t = Get-Date
$dst = $_ | %{ Get-View $_.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.DateTimeSystem }
$dst.UpdateDateTime((Get-Date($t.ToUniversalTime()) -format u))

via Setting time on ESXi hosts through PowerCLI | Geaux Virtual.

vSphere ESXi Maintenance Mode with PowerCLI | Virtual Drive

4 November, 2013

Good code snippets for vmware host maintenance mode.


vSphere ESXi Maintenance Mode with PowerCLI | Virtual Drive.

PowerCLI: Remove all vmnics from a vSwitch — DAMIAN KARLSON

4 November, 2013

Hand tip on how to remove pNics from a vSwitch



$nic = @

via PowerCLI: Remove all vmnics from a vSwitch — DAMIAN KARLSON.

EMC forum 2013 – London

19 October, 2013

All set to attend the EMC forum in London on Monday 21st October 2013.

Will be as usual seeing how much freebies, or as I call it, Vendor Swag that I can collect. 🙂

I  will try to live tweet and blog as I find cool swag.

As well as rhe the swag, there are some interesting keynotes. 

Any twitter followers attended and like to meet up.  Let us know via twitter.

Useful Celerra / VNX File Commands | The SAN Guy

15 August, 2013

Useful command line reference for the EMC File part of the VNX and NS arrays.

Useful Celerra / VNX File Commands | The SAN Guy.

URL: Virtual Consultant for you Datacenter: Unlocking and resetting vCenter SSO admin account

13 August, 2013

Handy step by step guide – was looking in case I needed it.  Luckily account auto unlocks after 15 mins. 🙂

Virtual Consultant for you Datacenter: Unlocking and resetting vCenter SSO admin account.

VMware KB: ESXi/ESX hosts with visibility to RDM LUNs being used by MSCS nodes with RDMs may take a long time to boot or during LUN rescan

29 July, 2013

This was a great find – fixed the 45 minute boot time due to the large number of RDMs in use:

VMware KB: ESXi/ESX hosts with visibility to RDM LUNs being used by MSCS nodes with RDMs may take a long time to boot or during LUN rescan.

VMware KB: Network port diagram for vSphere 5.x

10 July, 2013

For a excellent guide to IP ports used.


VMware KB: Network port diagram for vSphere 5.x.

VMware KB: Correlating vCenter Server and ESXi/ESX host build numbers to update levels

25 June, 2013

A great knowledge base article outlining vmware products and there build number to version numbers.

VMware KB: Correlating vCenter Server and ESXi/ESX host build numbers to update levels.